Our Experts are some of the most widely respected thought-leaders in the world. Here, they are free to express their opinions on secularism and science. Their personal views do not necessarily reflect those of the Council as a whole.
Different Types of Non-believers Labels
Catholic, born-again, Reformed, Jew, Muslim, Shiite, Sunni, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist…religions give people labels. The downside can be tribalism, an assumption that insiders are better than outsiders, that they merit more compassion, integrity and generosity or even that violence toward “infidels” is acceptable. But the upside is that religious or spiritual labels offer a way of […]
Britain’s Counter-Terror Raids: The End of Londonistan?
LONDON, England — The era of Londonistan may be over. A series of dawn raids at addresses across the capital on Thursday appeared to signal an abrupt change in Britain’s policy towards the radical Islamic figures that have operated in London for years. Britain arrested nine radical Islamists in a series of dawn raids on […]
Christian Right Is Getting Beat at Its Own Game, By Satanists of All People
One of the favorite myths that Christian conservatives like to tell about themselves is that they are champions protecting “religious freedom” from the supposed oppressions of a secular humanist society. But that argument is increasingly being tested by, of all people, Satanists. Yes, people who claim to worship the demon that Christians believe runs hell […]
Mormonism and Mind Control
In 2012, Mormon General Authority Marlin K. Jensen acknowledged that members are leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “in droves.” Access to the internet is often credited and blamed for this mass exodus, where members learn about problematic doctrines and cover-ups of LDS history. Many are happy as Mormons. And many are […]
Roundup of Recent Activities, Honors, and Events of Our SGI Famous Team
We are pleased to report that many SGI Fellows and communicators have made the news and are engaged in spreading secularism to our growing non-religious brothers and sisters worldwide. Michael Shermer’s latest book “The Believing Brain“In this, his magnum opus, one of the world’s best known skeptics and critical thinkers Dr. Michael Shermer—founding publisher of […]
Secular Spirituality
The subject of spirituality has long been controversial among atheists. Some argue that no self-respecting atheist should talk about spirituality because it implies supernatural entities of some sort. Perhaps they do not realize that not all atheists are metaphysical naturalists. Other atheists are determined to convince us that spirituality is good for everyone and that atheists should embrace […]
Stephen Hawking Is An Atheist
After much speculation and confusion due to his previous statements, Stephen Hawking finally came out of the closet and embraced his atheism publicly, in an interview for the Spanish newspaper El Mundo: – “In my second question, I ask him to clarify his stance on God and religion, which has generated an intense debate among […]
Edwina Rogers – SGI Fellow Attended Cato Symposium
SGI’s Government Affairs Fellow, Edwina Rogers attended the Cato Institute’s 13th Annual Constitution Day Symposium on Wednesday, September 17th. There are thirty-nine cases already scheduled for the fall term for the Supreme Court. The distinguished panel at the event focused on looking ahead for the October Supreme Court term 2014, and had numerous observations and […]
The Top 10 Craziest Sex Laws in America
Laws are supposed to protects us, but when the government decides to get in our pants, some crazy sexual taboos become laws. Here are some actual sex laws for the record books: 1. In Bakersfield, California, if you’re going to have sex with Satan, you’ve gotta use a condom. And definitely come up with a holy religious […]
The Trouble With “Islamophobia”
The title of this article places the word “Islamophobia” in quotation marks for the very good reason that I propose to talk about the trouble with the word itself. First, this is not an innocent word. It has a specific, very recent origin and history, and particularly a history of deliberate politicking for its acceptance. […]