Public funds should not support parochial schools, either directly or indirectly through voucher programs. Vouchers provide citizens with direct funding to apply to private school tuitions. Scholarship funds and other tax deduction programs fund private religious institutions indirectly by allowing…
Non-theist, secular student groups are entitled to the same rights and protections as other extra-curricular student groups. At the college level, non-theist groups occasionally face harassment, discrimination, and limitations on available funding and other resources. Public colleges and universities are…
Students deserve sex education programs that provide the information and skills necessary to make informed, responsible, and healthy decisions to reduce unintended pregnancy, partner-on-partner violence, STIs and HIV. Sex education in publicly funded schools must be medically accurate and free…
Public schools must teach science, not religion, in science classes. Laws banning teaching evolution are unconstitutional. “Balanced Treatment” laws that require teachers to give “creation science” or “Intelligent Design” equal classroom time to evolution are equally unconstitutional. Because of consistent…
The Supreme Court has repeatedly struck down as unconstitutional attempts to inject prayer or other forms of devotional practices into public schools. The Establishment Clause forbids school-sponsored prayer. Classroom prayers and Bible readings are unconstitutional, even if students are excused…
The current language of the Pledge of Allegiance as written in our federal laws states, “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible,…
Students are constitutionally protected from religious coercion in public schools. Public school endorsement of any religion is unconstitutional and violates the rights of non-theistic students have the right to express their religious beliefs, in non-disruptive ways. Out of respect for…