Video: Guest Sam Harris joins "CNN Tonight" to defend his claim that Islam is the "mother lode of bad ideas"
Video: Guest Sam Harris joins "CNN Tonight" to defend his claim that Islam is the "mother lode of bad ideas"
Video: World's Oldest Freethought Publication
Video: Theism is Not Rational by Aron Ra.
> Your Child Is An Atheist? Wonderful! – Read This Article.
Video: Why the US Military Needs Humanist Chaplains.
Video: Christianity's God is the
'Sun' - and copied from other religions.
Video: Catholic Priest says
Hell doesn't exist!
And God is Not a Christian.
Video: Dear Believer: Why Do You Believe?
Video : Why Privacy Matters:
Glenn Greenwald (TED Talk)
Video: A C Grayling Discusses Humanism
> NONSENSE . . About Dinosaurs and the Bible . .
as explained by god and apologist Ken Ham.
Video: Leonardo DiCaprio
UN Speech on Climate Change